Treating prostate cancer poses several challenges, but among one of the most important ones is early detection as it can determine the effectiveness and outcome of certain treatments. New research published by the Journal of Clinical Oncology found that metformin, a diabetes medication used to control blood sugar levels, has the ability to delay or slow down the progression of prostate cancer in men. These new findings indicate that the progression prostate cancer cells are significantly slowed down, and decrease the risk of death in men who take metformin after a diagnosis. Researchers noted that metformin, when taken for six months after a diagnosis, can decrease the risk of prostate cancer complications and death in men by 25%. While metformin is shown to be effective at slowing the progression of prostate cancer, the research study conducted indicates that the medication does not prevent the disease from developing.
Prostate Cancer Diagnosis
One of the most common exams to diagnose prostate cancer is a Prostate-Specific Antigen or PSA test that is conducted by drawing blood from the patient. PSA is a specific protein that is produced by the cells in the prostate gland, and the blood exam measures the PSA levels to determine the risk or presence of cancerous cells. Patients with an abnormally high blood level of PSA often have prostate cancer, but other non-related diseases can raise levels as well. To ensure that patients are diagnosed correctly, digital rectal exams in conjunction with PSA tests can determine if a male patient is at risk or has prostate cancer.
How Metformin Works on Prostate Cancer Patients
Men who undergo screening for prostate cancer have higher chances of surviving, and metformin can be used to reduce the progression of the disease in those who are diagnosed. Metformin works by reducing insulin levels in the body by lowering blood sugar levels, thus allowing insulin to pull blood sugar out the blood and into other cells. One of the risks male diabetes patients that do not control insulin levels face is an increased risk for prostate cancer to spread to other healthy cells present in the body.
Metformin reduces this risk by controlling insulin levels that can stimulate cancerous cell growth. Metformin has also been found to lower blood sugar output of liver cells by inhibiting an energy production process by mitochondria, an organelle found in a large number of cells. The reduction of this process in patients who take metformin has been shown to slow down the growth and dividing of cancerous cells present in the prostate.
While metformin slows down the progression of prostate cancer, the medication does not prevent the disease from developing. There are several studies being conducted to better formulate an effective treatment for prostate cancer, and metformin is being tested to see if a regimen of the medication will reduce the need for treatments like hormone therapy or prostatectomy radiation. Potential treatments for prostate cancer like metformin will likely take time to develop, so it is advised that men get tested for disease regularly to increase the effectiveness of current treatments. For more information about Metformin, visit our Metformin Drug Page.