Promethazine is a common antihistamine medication that was approved for use by the FDA back in 1951. However, unlike most antihistamines, the management of allergy symptoms is not its only use. Promethazine is a prescription drug that is available in the form of pills, syrup, suppository and a solution for injection. Brand names for promethazine include Phenadoz and Promethegan. Another popular brand name was Phenergan, but this has been discontinued. Promethazine comes in many forms because it is used to treat so many different conditions.
Promethazine has multiple uses because it does not selectively block only H1 receptors as so many second-generation antihistamines do. It also inhibits a number of other histamine and acetylcholine and adrenergic receptors as well. Here are some of the conditions promethazine has been used to treat over the years:
1. Allergic Rhinitis
Promethazine is prescribed to treat allergy symptoms from hay fever such as runny or stuffy nose, sneezing and itchy eyes.
2. Sedation
Promethazine is sometimes used for its sedative properties. It may be given before a surgery or procedure, or to help patients sleep. Promethazine is also mixed with some cough and cold medications for its sedative properties to help patients with the cold or flu to rest and recover.
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3. Nausea
Promethazine is an antiemetic, meaning it stops nausea. Promethazine is prescribed to treat nausea after surgery and to combat nausea caused by narcotics and chemotherapy. It may also be prescribed to treat severe morning sickness.
4. Prevention of Motion Sickness
Because promethazine stops nausea, it is also prescribed to be taken proactively to prevent motion sickness before going on a car trip or getting on a boat.
5. Local Anesthetic
When injected, promethazine can be effective as a local anesthetic. In a clinical study, it proved to be just as effective as lidocaine.
6. Migraines
Promethazine has been prescribed to treat migraine, and is mostly effective in this case due to its antiemetic properties.
7. Antipsychotic
Promethazine has been used to reduce nervousness and restlessness and has weak antipsychotic effects. This is not a common use for the drug in the U.S.
If you’ve been prescribed promethazine for allergies, nausea, or any other uses, you can use our promethazine drug coupons to get up to 75% off the retail price. We also carry coupons for all the brand-name forms of promethazine.