Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease that attacks the central nervous system and affects roughly 400,000 individuals in the U.S. alone. The immune system of a patient with MS produces abnormal inflammation in the body, which causes it to destroy the healthy fatty lining, myelin, which surrounds nerves in the brain and spinal cord. The progression of MS exposes and weathers vital nerves that can causes body shaking, numbness, and if left untreated, MS can lead to partial immobility or complete paralysis in some cases.
Traditional Treatments for MS
There is currently no cure for MS, however, treatments that speed recovery from attacks, and slow down the progression of the disease and symptoms have allowed patients to lead better lives. Treatments for MS attacks usually involve using corticosteroids or a plasma exchange procedure that help reduce nerve inflammation. There is no effective treatment that slows down the progression of MS in patients; however, there are several treatments options for relapsing-remitting MS that can slow down the formation of new lesions. Among the common treatments for relapsing-remitting MS include a beta interferon medication that is injected directly under the skin or into the muscle to decrease the frequency and severity of relapses. To help patients with MS signs and symptoms, doctors usually recommend physical therapy for stretching and strengthening exercises that can make performing daily tasks easier.
New Breakthrough MS Treatments
There is a new promising breakthrough treatment for MS that has been recently found to slow down the progression of the disease that involves manipulating stem cells in the brain and spinal cord to produce myelin. A clinical study, conducted by Case Western Reserve University, found that an over the counter antifungal medication to treat athletes foot, and clobetasol, which is used to treat skin conditions like eczema, are capable of regenerating damaged brain cells and reversing paralysis in mice. Scientists have long established that the body has the ability to repair stem cells in the nervous system, but the antifungal and clobetasol drugs available on the market today provide the missing link to achieving this self-healing body function in patients with MS. This exciting discovery has the potential to help thousands of patients who are diagnosed with MS reverse debilitating symptoms. Currently the research team is working on a clinical trial on humans to safely formulate an effective drug that combines the antifungal and clobetasol to evaluate its effectiveness in reversing MS progression.
Another breakthrough treatment to help patients with MS is whole body vibration therapy, which involves utilizing a vibrating platform to help prevent muscle loss. A research study conducted by the Multiple Sclerosis Trust found that whole body vibration therapy forces the body muscles to contract rapidly, which is typically not achieved with exercise alone. The research study concluded that vibration therapy, along with traditional exercise methods significantly reduced spasms at night, and increased sensation in feet that allowed MS patients to climb stairs. This new therapy, which has been used by NASA, is at the forefront of alternative therapies to help patients manage and decrease debilitating MS symptoms to lead a better life. To get more information about available treatments and review a list of medications for Multiple Sclerosis, visit our Multiple Sclerosis Condition Page.
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