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Engerix-B Information:
Engerix-B is a hepatitis B vaccine for adults that contains an amount of the hepatitis virus small enough not to affect the body but large enough to allow the body to develop antibodies that will attempt to destroy the disease immediately upon infection.
Engerix-B is administered as a series of injections into the muscle tissue. Most people receive the injections in a clinical setting. After the initial shot, patients receive a booster shot, usually at one month and six months after the first shot. Those at high risk of hepatitis may receive additional boosters one to two months after the third shot to ensure efficacy.
Before using Engerix-B, tell your doctor if:
· You have multiple sclerosis
· You have kidney disease
· You are on dialysis
· You have a neurologic disorder or disease affecting the brain
· You have an allergy to latex rubber
· You have a bleeding or blood-clotting disorder such as hemophilia or easy bruising
· You have any food or drug allergies
· You are taking any other medications, vitamins, or supplements
Patients have reported common side effects alongside Engerix-B use, including redness, pain, or swelling at the site of injection; diarrhea, loss of appetite, headache, dizziness, weakness, low fever, tiredness, irritability, or runny nose. Get help from a doctor at once if you notice a high fever, sore throat, a headache accompanied by severe blistering, peeling, and a rash; changes in mood or behavior, bruising, bleeding, or a severe skin reaction.
If you miss any booster shots for this vaccine, you will need to talk to your doctor and schedule a booster shot as soon as possible. Make sure you receive the full series of shots.
Engerix-B will be stored in a clinical setting, usually in ideal conditions for preserving the efficacy of the medication.
Since shots are administered in a clinical setting, you are not likely to overdose on this medication. However, alert your doctor immediately if you notice any severe side effects.
Do not receive this vaccine if you are allergic to baker’s yeast. This medication is not indicated for the treatment of an already-active hepatitis B virus. Since it is a small version of the live virus, it does not have the power to treat hepatitis B – it can only prevent it.
Brand Names
Engerix-B is the brand name of the generic hepatitis B adult vaccine. You may also find it marketed as Recombivax HB. If your doctor has recommended that you receive a hepatitis B vaccine because of your risk of exposure to the disease, make sure you save up to 68% off the cost of Engerix-B with coupons available 24 hours a day at HelpRx.

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