Your source for prescription savings coupons
We've made it our mission to provide the best markdowns and discounts on prescription drugs on the web. Every discount you find is free and will save you money right at the register - no rebate forms or paperwork required! To get started, you can search for your prescription drug, browse the discounts or check out the listings below.
If you are looking to save on multiple prescriptions, consider our free prescription discount card. Our free prescription discount card offers you the best drug prices available without having to clip coupons for specific drugs. Enjoy the convenience of our reusable Rx discount card which is pre-loaded with all of our 50,000+ prescription discounts. Our prescription discounts are applicable to most any prescription available. Search or browse our site to find all of the money you can save on your prescription costs!
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Search our prescription discounts by typing in your prescription drug name below. Available on generics and brand drugs, we have over 50,000 prescription drug coupons that will save you up to 75% on your prescription costs.
Search our prescription discounts by condition. We offer drugs for many chronic medical conditions and provide up to 75% off popular diabetes drugs, birth control and more. Get the best prescription drug prices by searching below.
Top DiscountsAs of 03/26/2025, updated daily
Trending DiscountsAs of 03/26/2025, updated daily
About is a trusted provider of prescription discounts, drug coupons and a prescription discount card. Our prescription discounts are pre-activated, ready-to-use and free. We have provided our cardholders with over $1,000,000,000 in savings. We will never charge you a fee for our discounts or our prescription discount card. Search our site for discounts and coupons for your prescription drugs.
Through the power of prescription discount programs, we can offer you significant discounts off of typical high prescription drug prices. Our pharmacy discount network providers are dedicated to increasing access to affordable prescription drugs and medication. Through their negotiation efforts with large pharmaceutical companies our providers have brought discounts of an average of nearly 50% off to you for free.
Our prescription discounts, prescription drug coupons and prescription discount cards can be used at virtually every pharmacy nationwide. Additionally, if your pharmacy does not have experience with our discounts, we have a pharmacist helpline that is open 24 hours a day 7 days a week that will help guide your pharmacist through the process of getting your prescription discount fulfilled.
Other Info
If you have additional questions about our prescription discounts, drug coupons and discount card, please visit our FAQ page or contact us. We are here to help you get the best prescription drug prices and to make your prescription costs more manageable. Our discounts have saved our cardholders more than $1,000,000,000. We hope to make your health and wellness more affordable too.