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Cyclophosphamide Information:
What is Cyclophosphamide?
Cyclophosphamide is a prescription chemotherapy medication that can treat various types of cancers such as: leukemia, testicular, ovarian, and certain types of lung cancers. Cyclophosphamide works by blocking the production of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in human cells. Through this action, Cyclophosphamide prevents cancerous cells from dividing and dying. However, this mechanism can also cause healthy immune cells to be affected that may lead to serious health conditions.
How do I take Cyclophosphamide?
Cyclophosphamide can be administered in a clinical setting via an injection. However, oral forms of Cyclophosphamide are usually taken with food or after meals. The dose of Cyclophosphamide will depend on your health condition and clinical profile.
Before taking Cyclophosphamide, tell your doctor if:
- You are taking any other medication, including vitamins and supplements
- You are taking aspirin
- You have recently received a vaccine
- You are pregnant or plan to become pregnant
- You are breast-feeding or plan to breastfeed
What are the possible side effects of taking Cyclophosphamide?
Patients that are taking Cyclophosphamide may experience side effects such as: nausea, loss appetite, diarrhea, fever, unusual bleeding or bruising, black or tarry stools, blood in urine, pain or burning with urination, extreme fatigue, mouth sores, and temporary hair loss. It is important to note that the severity of side effects will depend on the patient and dosage prescribed. Report all side effects to your doctor while taking Cyclophosphamide.
What if I forget to take a dose of Cyclophosphamide?
If you miss a dose of Cyclophosphamide, skip it and take at the following scheduled dose time. Do not take more Cyclophosphamide than is prescribed to you to make up for a missed dose as this may cause serious side effects.
How do I store Cyclophosphamide?
Cyclophosphamide should be stored in a room with a temperature between 67 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep the medication locked away in a safe place out of reach from children and infants. Do not expose Cyclophosphamide to extreme heat or cold.
What happens if I overdose on Cyclophosphamide?
An overdose of Cyclophosphamide may cause serious life-threatening reactions such as difficulty breathing and death. Contact local health emergency services at 911 or Poison Control at 1-800-222-1222 if you have overdosed on Cyclophosphamide.
There is a slight risk for serious health conditions such as bone marrow failure and infections while taking Cyclophosphamide. Do not take Cyclophosphamide if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant because the medication can harm your developing baby.
Brand Names
Cyclophosphamide is generic medication, and the brand name equivalent is Cytoxan. However, the brand name version of this treatment has been discontinued. Remember to use the HelpRx coupon to save up to 75% off the cost of Cyclophosphamide at the pharmacy.

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