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Epipen Information:
What is an Epipen?
An Epipen is a brand-name auto-injector device that contains epinephrine or adrenaline. It works as an emergency injection to treat anaphylaxis resulting from a variety of causes including allergic reaction and exercise-induced anaphylaxis. Once epinephrine enters the system, it acts on alpha adrenergic receptors to decrease vasodilation and relax smooth muscle tissue. It also blocks the release of histamine. This allows the user to resume normal respiration and help relieve other symptoms of anaphylaxis such as gastrointestinal cramping, swelling, and hives.
How do I use the Epipen?
Use a free Epipen coupon from HelpRx to lower the price when you buy this medication in your pharmacy. To use your Epipen, flip open the cap of the carrier case and slide the pen out of the tube. Grasp the pen in your fist with the orange tip pointing downward toward your leg. The orange tip contains the needle. Be sure not to block the orange tip with your finger or anything else. Remove the blue safety release by pulling up on it. Aim the orange tip towards your outer thigh and hold the injector perpendicular to your leg. Swing the tip of the injector into your thigh muscle and push gently for about 10 seconds. You should here a click as the needle is released. After 10 seconds, the dose of medication should be administered, and you may remove the needle. The orange tip will expand to cover the needle for safety. Rub the site of the injection for about 10 seconds. Afterwards, call your doctor or get emergency attention .You may need further treatment. Properly dispose of your used needle or give it to your healthcare provider. The Epipen is for intramuscular injection into the thigh only. Do not attempt to use this injection in any other part of the body.
Before using the Epipen, tell your doctor if:
- You have high blood pressure or a heart condition or disease.
- You have diabetes or a thyroid disorder.
- You have Parkinson’s disease.
- You are pregnant or breastfeeding.
- You are using prescription or nonprescription medications, especially blood pressure medications and beta blockers, diuretics, antihistamines, antidepressants, medications for heart rhythm, MAO inhibitors, ergotamine, dihydroergotamine, and other medications containing ergot.
- You are allergic to any ingredients in this medication.
What are the possible side effects of using an Epipen?
Possible side effects from using an Epipen include sweating, nausea, vomiting, pale skin, dizziness, weakness, tremors, headache, shortness of breath, and nervousness. If you have serious adverse effects such as severe headache, highly elevated blood pressure, blurred vision, confusion, chest pain, irregular heartbeat, seizures, or a buzzing in the ears after the first time you use the Epipen, report them to your doctor at once.
What if I forget a dose of epinephrine?
The Epipen is used as needed. If you cannot locate your Epipen when you need it, call 911 or go to the emergency room immediately.
How do I store the Epipen?
Store your Epipen in its protective case at a room temperature between 68 and 77 degrees Fahrenheit. Protect this medication from heat and light and keep it out of reach of children and pets. If the medication in the auto-injector looks like it has a brownish or pinkish tint, throw it out. Also dispose of the injector if there are particles floating in the medication. Throw out any expired Epipens. Talk to your pharmacist about the proper disposal of this medication.
What happens if I overdose on epinephrine?
An overdose of epinephrine can result in a pounding heart, severe headache, sudden numbness, trouble breathing, chest pain, and problems with speech, vision, and balance. If you accidently inject epinephrine into your hands or feet, you may experience numbness in those areas do to loss of blood flow. If you overdose on epinephrine or accidently inject it, seek medical attention immediately.
Do not use the Epipen to inject epinephrine anywhere else but into the thigh muscle. Tell a family member or members that you sometimes need this injection in emergency situations and make sure someone else knows how to use it in case you are not able to administer the injection for any reason.
Brand Names
Other brand names for epinephrine injectors include Adrenaclick and Auvi-Q. There is also a generic epinephrine injection available for less than the cost of Epipen. Search HelpRx for free Epipen coupons to reduce the price by up to 75% in your local pharmacy when you fill your prescription. Also search for discounts on other types of epinephrine injections.

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