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Mirapex Er Information:
What is Mirapex ER?
Mirapex ER is the extended release formula of pramipexole, an antiparkinsonian dopamine agonist medication. It is used to help treat symptoms associated with Parkinson’s disease, as well as the symptoms of Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS). Mirapex ER works by acting in place of dopamine, a natural substance needed to control bodily movements.
How do I take Mirapex ER?
Mirapex ER is administered in tablet form and taken orally with water and with or without food. Taking it with food may prevent nausea. The strength and dosing regimen is determined by the condition being treated and the patient’s profile. For Parkinson’s disease, it is taken three times daily; RLS dosing is usually two to three hours before going to bed. Follow the instructions that accompanied your prescription. If taking this medication to treat RLS, contact your doctor if the symptoms worsen or begin occurring at different times.
Before taking Mirapex ER, tell your doctor if:
- You are allergic to pramipexole or any of the ingredients in Mirapex ER;
- You are pregnant, planning a pregnancy, or are nursing a child;
- You are taking any prescription or non-prescription medications, vitamins, or supplements;
- You are taking verapamil, triamterene, amantadine, cimetidine, ranitidine, quinine, diltiazem, metoclopramide, levodopa, or quinidine;
- You are taking antihistamines, or medications for allergies, anxiety, mental illness, nausea, or seizures;
- You are taking sedatives; sleeping pills, tranquilizers, or antidepressants
- You have urges to gamble that are difficult to control
- You have muscle movement or control problems, or dizzy or fainting spells
- You have a sleep disorder other than RLS
- You have hypotension or heart or kidney disease.
What are the possible side effects of taking Mirapex ER?
Some people have reported side effects after taking Mirapex ER. Less severe symptoms include abnormal bodily tremors, tics, or movements; abnormal thoughts or dreams, disorientation, constipation, diminished sexual interest or ability, diarrhea, sleep difficulties; memory problems or difficulty thinking; frequent, problem, or painful urination, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth, heartburn, joint pain, loss of appetite, nausea; swelling of the extremities, weakness, or weight loss. If any of these conditions persist or worsen, contact your doctor for Mirapex ER patient assistance.
What if I forget to take a dose of Mirapex ER?
If you are taking Mirapex ER to treat Parkinson’s disease and you forget to take your scheduled dose, do so as soon as your remember and are able. However, if it is almost time for the next scheduled dose, skip the one missed and resume the regular schedule. If you are taking Mirapex ER to treat RLS, and you miss a dose, skip the missed one and take the regular dose two to three hours before the next bed time. Do not increase dosage or change the regimen to make up for one that was missed for either condition.
How do I store Mirapex ER?
Keep Mirapex ER tightly sealed in its original container, out of the reach of the reach of children and away from extremes of temperature and humidity. Dispose of any unused medication according to the instructions of your pharmacist.
What happens if I overdose on Mirapex ER?
If an overdose of Mirapex ER is suspected, contact the Poison Control Center at 1-800-222-1222. If the individual has stopped breathing or lost consciousness, contact Emergency Services at 911 for patient assistance.
Mirapex ER may cause drowsiness; do not drive, operate heavy equipment or machinery, use power tools, or handle firearms until the effects are known. This medication may cause you to suddenly fall asleep; contact your doctor immediately if this happens. Contact your doctor if you become pregnant while taking Mirapex ER. Alcohol can exacerbate the effects of this medication. Mirapex ER may stimulate an unusual urge to gamble. This drug may cause unusual sweating or orthostatic hypotension.
Brand Names
Mirapex ER is the brand name for the antiparkinsonian medication pramipexole. It is also marketed as Mirapex; however, the formulations are different and one should not be substituted for the other without a doctor’s written permission. To help control Mirapex ER costs, a coupon is available from HelpRx that can lower the retail price by up to 57% at local pharmacies. In addition, HelpRx has a reusable discount card available that delivers similar saving of as much as 75% to hundreds of brand name and generic medications. To request one, click the “Free Card” button at the top of any page on our website.

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