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Nuvigil Information:
What is Nuvigil?
Nuvigil (armodafinil) consists of the R-enantiomer of the racemic modafinil, making it a modafinil enantiopure which acts as a eurogic (wakefulness agent). It works by effecting certain neurochemicals and receptors in the brain that control waking and sleeping. Although its method of action is not currently understood, it produces some of the same positive euphoric and psychoactive effects as CNS stimulants. It's very effective in treating the extreme sleepiness associated with shift work sleep disorder, sleep apnea and OSAHS, and narcolepsy. In the case of OSAHS being treated with a CPAP machine, Nuvigil does not interrupt your other treatments.
Note: Nuvigil will not cure your sleep disorder or its underlying causes. It is only utilized to manage a symptom. This medication also will not replace the need for regular sleep.
How do I take Nuvigil?
Always take Nuvigil medication exactly as prescribed and do not take it in larger doses or for longer than prescribed, as Nuvigil may be habit forming.
Nuvigil is usually prescribed as 1 pill by mouth with or without food at the start of your day, either in the morning or about 1 hour before your work shift starts. Treatment usually lasts for about 12 weeks.
Before taking Nuvigil, tell your doctor if:
- You have had a previous allergic reaction to Provigil (modafinil).
- You are using hormonal contraceptives.
- You are pregnant or breastfeeding or plan to become pregnant or to breastfeed.
- You are an addict or have a history of substance abuse.
- You are taking any other prescribed or over-the-counter drugs, herbal remedies, medicines, supplements or vitamins, especially those that cause sleepiness (e.g., muscle relaxers, anticonvulsants, sleeping pills, narcotic pain medications).
- You have or have a history of heart disease or disorder, including a recent heart attack, a muscle or valve disorder (e.g., mitral valve prolapse), or high blood pressure.
- You have a history of mental or mood disorder, especially if you were suicidal.
- You have or have a history of kidney or liver disease.
What are the possible side effects of taking Nuvigil?
Certain side effects of Nuvigil can be severe and require immediate medical assistance. These include: any sign of skin rash (especially with fever and peeling blisters), hallucinations, unusual aggression or anxiety, unusual changes in thoughts or behavior, depression or suicidal thoughts, numbness or severe tingling, skin pain, hives and itching, muscle weakness, burning in your eyes, yellowing of the skin or eyes, swelling in your face or lips, mouth sores, swelling in your tongue or throat, difficulty swallowing, loss of appetite, chest pain, difficulty breathing, uneven heartbeats, unusual pain, unusual bruising or bleeding (especially from the gums or nose), upper stomach pain, clay-colored stool, dark urine.
More common Nuvigil side effects are dizziness and nausea, headaches, or insomnia. If your severe sleepiness persists despite the medication or gets worse, talk to your doctor.
What if I forget to take a dose of Nuvigil?
When your doctor prescribes you this medication, talk to them about what's best when you miss a dose. If it is at or within a few hours of your bed time, skip the missed dose. However, if you plan to be awake for at least several hours, you can probably take the missed dose as soon as you remember it.
How do I store Nuvigil?
Always store Nuvigil medication at room temperature and away from excess moisture or heat (e.g., a bathroom). You should also store this medication out of the reach of children or pets, as well as someplace safe from anyone who may try to take it without a prescription.
What happens if I overdose on Nuvigil?
Symptoms of overdose include: audio or visual hallucinations, feeling overly restless or excited, confusion, inability to sleep, chest pain, unusually slow or fast heart rate, diarrhea, nausea. If you suspect a Nuvigil overdose, call your local poison control center or seek medical assistance.
It is against the law to give or sell your prescribed Nuvigil to another person. Nuvigil is potentially addictive. Do not use more of it than prescribed or for longer than prescribed.
Talk to your doctor as soon as possible if you discover you have a rash, no matter how small, as it may be a sign of a very severe skin reaction that needs immediate attention. Other signs include fever with swelling in the face and mouth sores, as well as a spreading red or purple rash with peeling blisters.
Nuvigil may interfere with hormonal birth controls throughout treatment and as much as a month after discontinuing treatment. Utilize a barrier form of birth control (e.g., condom) to prevent pregnancy.
This medication is not intended for anyone under the age of 17.
Nuvigil medication is only prescribed to manage symptoms and not to cure a sleep disorder or replace regular sleep.
This medication will change your reactions and ability to be alert. Avoid potentially hazardous tasks (e.g., driving) until you know how you will react to it.
Brand Names
Nuvigil is currently the only brand name on the market for the generic drug armodafinil, and even the generic isn't currently available. As such a specialty drug, the pharmacy cost of Nuvigil is extremely expensive. We offer Nuvigil patient assistance in the form of a great discount -- a Nuvigil coupon or discount card that will let you save up to 65%. Simply click Claim Discount to download or print your free coupon.

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