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Pegasys Information:
What is Pegasys?
Pegasys is an antiviral drug that works by stimulating the body’s own immune response to the virus. It induces the production of certain proteins in the body that fight the viral infection.
How do I take Pegasys?
Pegasys usually comes in an auto-injector so that you can easily inject the medication under your skin. The medication may be injected into your stomach or thighs. Your doctor should show you how. If you have any questions about how to inject Pegasys, ask your pharmacist. Rotate the injection site each time you inject the medication. The injection should be given on a weekly basis at the same time of day each week unless your doctor tells you otherwise. It’s best to give them injection before bedtime. Drink lots of fluids while taking Pegasys.
Before taking Pegasys, tell your doctor if:
- You are allergic to any of the ingredients in this injection
- You drink alcohol
- You have ever received peginterferon alfa-2a injections in the past
- You are pregnant or breastfeeding
- You are taking other prescription or nonprescription medications, including other antivirals or HIV medications, naproxen, methadone, theophylline and medications for MS or ALS
- You have ever had an organ transplant of any kind
- You have anemia
- You have a condition or disease that affects the pancreas
- You have any type of mental illness
- You have suffered from alcohol or drug addition
- You have or have ever had an autoimmune disease
- You have high blood pressure
- You have a heart condition
What are the possible side effects of taking Pegasys?
Common side effects from Pegasys include fever, chills, muscle aches, fatigue, headache, stomach pain, joint pain, dry mouth, redness at the site of injection and nausea. Ask your doctor about taking a pain reliever and fever reducer when you take Pegasys. Tell your doctor right away if you experience negative mood changes, aggressive behavior, suicidal thoughts, high blood pressure, chest pain, abnormal heartbeat, signs of a stroke, signs of an infection, seizures, severe nausea and vomiting and jaundice.
What if I forget to take a dose of Pegasys?
If you have missed a dose of Pegasys by two days or less, inject the dose and stay on your regular schedule. If longer than two days have passed, call your doctor.
How do I store Pegasys?
Store Pegasys vials in the refrigerator at a temperature between 36 and 46 degrees Fahrenheit. Do not leave the medication out for more than 24 hours, and keep it out of the light. Ask your pharmacist how to properly dispose of used needles or injectors.
What happens if I overdose on Pegasys?
There is limited information about Pegasys overdose. Patients in clinical trials received up to 7 times the normal dose with no serious reactions. If you or someone else has overdosed on Pegasys, call the Poison Control Center at 1-800-222-1222 or call your doctor right away.
Pegasys can worsen certain mental illnesses and cause drug addicts to use again. It can also worsen autoimmune conditions. Be sure to tell your doctor about all of your medical history before taking Pegasys.
Brand Names
There are no other brand names that have the same ingredients as Pegasys. A similar drug is called Pegintron. Use our coupons to save on Pegasys, and search our site for discount coupons for any of your other medications.

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